Exploring the Concept of Creating Sanctuary

Interior Design, Room Makeover, Sacred Space, Self Care • March 4, 2024
Photo of a little house with a green door and green gate.

Amidst the complexities of life, the idea of home holds a deeper significance than mere bricks and mortar. It represents a sanctuary where our souls find solace, a haven away from life’s storms. In this blog post we will delve into the art of crafting your personal sanctuary right within the walls of your home (even if you rent).

What is a sanctuary?

In our fast-paced, often chaotic world, finding solace and peace within our own homes has become more crucial than ever. The concept of a home sanctuary goes beyond mere aesthetics; it’s about creating a space that nurtures our well-being, restores our energy, and rejuvenates our spirit.

Grounded in both timeless wisdom and contemporary understanding, the practice of curating a home sanctuary invites us to explore our inner selves – to gain greater clarity on what makes us tick and what supports us to feel good. By first tuning into your needs, you’re better placed to design a truly nurturing space unique to your requirements.

However, most people focus on aesthetic issues when updating their homes. The concept of a true home sanctuary goes beyond that. If you approach redecorating or renovation plans from a more holistic perspective, the importance of current trends falls away into the background.

By all means use social media and pinterest for inspiration, but don’t let them dictate your designs. Instead, focus on creating a signature style that speaks directly to you and your family. A style that represents your combined tastes, interests and unique needs.

Practical Considerations

1. Clarify your Intentions: Before embarking on your journey to create a home sanctuary, take some time to reflect on what you and your family truly need for each room in your home.

Is it a space for relaxation, creativity, study, entertaining? Who uses each room, and do they have particular requirements? Understanding your intentions for each space in your home will guide every decision you make in the design process.

2. Declutter and Simplify: It’s probably the least fun aspect of a home improvement project, but decluttering your space is a foundational step. Through the process, you will gain more clarity around your needs, and potential solutions.

Decluttering not only impacts on the physical space, it also has an impact on our mental space, and indeed our physical bodies. Studies have shown that women who live in cluttered homes have higher levels of cortisol than those who live in relatively clutter-free environments.

So before you start picking up paint charts or shopping for new furniture, begin by decluttering your home. Remove unnecessary items that no longer serve you. If you don’t actively love it or use it, it has no place in your home. So stop allowing it to take up valuable space.

Simplify your surroundings to create a sense of calm and spaciousness. Then you will be in much better position to review your home and make a plan for what changes you need to implement.

3. Natural Elements: Incorporating natural elements into your home can instantly evoke a sense of tranquility. You may have heard a lot in recent years about ‘biophilic design’ or ‘bringing the outside in’. Biophilic design is more than a passing trend. It is here to stay because spending time in nature plays such a vital role in supporting our wellbeing. And it’s possible to carry some of those benefits indoors with us when we include elements of nature in our home décor.

On the simplest of levels, you can do this by adding plants to purify the air and add a touch of greenery. Opt for natural materials such as wood, stone, linen, cotton, wool to bring warmth and earthiness to your space.

4. Get the Lighting Right: Light also has a profound impact on our mood and mental health. Maximising natural light within your home will help to uplift your mood and energy levels. And when it’s time to turn to artificial light, it’s important to choose carefully too.

Natural light is intricately linked to our circadian rhythms, the internal clock that regulates our sleep-wake cycle. Sunlight triggers the release of serotonin, often referred to as the “happy hormone,” which plays a crucial role in regulating mood and combating feelings of depression and anxiety. By flooding our living spaces with natural light, we can uplift our spirits, foster a sense of positivity, and alleviate symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Overall, making the most of whatever natural daylight is available within our homes goes a long way towards creating a nurturing and harmonious living space that supports both physical and emotional well-being. During they day, open curtains as wide as possible during the day to allow as much light as possible in. If you need daytime privacy, consider sheer curtains instead of blinds or shutters to allow maximum light to filter through. And if you’re setting up a work/study corner in your home, do so as close to a window as is functionally possible.

In the evening, choose efficient task lighting in your productive zones and strategically place floor and table lamps in your relaxation zones to evoke a cosy atmosphere.

5. Focus on Comfort: A mentally and emtionally nurturing and comforting home needs to physcially comfortable too. When the time comes to replace sofas, beds, armchairs and other elements that support your physical body, invest in cosy furniture with soft textures and ergonomic design.

If you, or a family member spends signifant amounts of time working or studying from home, then set up the desk and seating to support correct posture as well as comfort. If you want to decrease screen time and read more, or maybe start journalling, create inviting nooks with plush cushions and throws that will entice you you to unwind there. Equally, for family movie nights, or cosy at-home date-nights, invest in a sofa that will serve you well for many years to come.

6. Personalised Touches: Your home should be a reflection of who you are – your passions, experiences, and values. By incorporating personal touches, you infuse your space with authenticity, creating a unique environment that feels genuinely yours.

Instead of succumbing to generic wall art and accessories that are currently trending, surrounding yourself with items that hold sentimental value will go a long way in supporting your wellbeing.

Personalised décor items, such as cherished mementos, family heirlooms, or artwork created by loved ones, foster an emotional connection to your surroundings. They act as tangible reminders of your life’s journey, and help to infuse your space with your personality and history, even if you’ve just moved in. They help you feel grounded and at-home in a space, in a way that trending accessories can never achieve.

7. Digital-Free Zone: In today’s digital age, where screens dominate our daily lives, disconnecting from electronic devices allows us to mitigate the adverse effects associated with excessive screen time, And it adds a bonus of carving out pockets of time for activites that will foster a healthier lifestyle.

Consider designating one or two areas of your home where electronic devices are prohibited, allowing you to disconnect from the outside world and fully immerse yourself in the present moment. The bathroom, bedroom and dining room would be good rooms to go digital-free. Alternatively you could designate specific times during the day and evening when phones and other devices are off-limits. For example, all meal-times, your first hour of the morning and the last hour before you go to bed at night.

At first the idea might seem more like a penance than a retreat. But if you give it a go, and stick with it for a couple of weeks, there’s a strong likelihood you will find yourself appreciating the breaks. Many people report feeling less stressed when they reduce their screen time, and improved social interactions with others is an obvious benefit once the distraction is removed. Sleep hygiene routines to improve the quality of sleep always recommend zero-screentime in the hour before bedtime.

It’s all about Mindful Design

Approaching the design of your home sanctuary with mindfulness and intention is the secret sauce when it comes to cultivating a space that makes your heart sing. Aesthetics play an important role in creating a home that feels inviting, balanced and harmonious. But when you infuse your design plans with a deeper intention you set yourself up to create an environment that supports your well-being on multiple levels.

If this all sounds well in theory, but in practice you don’t know where to start, I have a six-week course designed to hold your hand through that process. It starts after Easter and enrollment is opening soon.

Introducing: Creating Sanctuary

Creating Sanctuary is a six-week online course that goes beyond traditional interior design. It’s a holistic exploration of how your living environment can impact your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. This course will empower you to design a home that not only looks good but feels incredible too.

What Will You Learn?

Over the course of six weeks, we’ll dive into the following topics:

  • Cleansing your Space: the importance of purging old, stagnant energy to make room for fresh, revitalised feeling in your home.
  • Energising your Space: learn how to infuse your home with positive vibes that invigorate and inspire by applying the foundational elements of Feng Shui.
  • Color Psychology: explore the emotional impact of colours and seasonal personality types, and how to use this knowlege to curate the perfect style for your home.
  • Biophilia: how to connect with nature indoors and experience its healing power.
  • Interior Design Principles: delve into the secrets of crafting living spaces that seamlessly blend aesthetics with functionality, ensuring every corner of your home exudes harmony and purpose.

Why Should You Join?

If you’re craving a home that feels like a true sanctuary—a haven where you can unwind, recharge, and truly be yourself—but you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure about where to start, then this course is tailor-made for you.

You’ll have the support and expertise you need to navigate the journey of transforming your home into a sanctuary. From selecting colors to arranging furniture, you’ll receive practical advice and guidance along the way. And all the while you’ll be reminded and motivated to design and decorate from a health-enhancing perspective, and free yourself of the pressures of trending influences.

One module will go live per week, and will include an optional homework assignment. There will also be weekly live Q&A sessions, but these will be recorded and available to access on your own timeline, if you can’t make it live. You can also submit questions in advance, and there will also be a private community forum to post questions in, receive feedback and support.

Over the six weeks you’ll gain valuable knowledge and skills that you can apply to your own home. By the end of the course, you’ll have the confidence to design and redesign your home, as your future needs evolve. But more than that, you’ll also gain a deeper appreciation of the relationship between your living environment and your overall well-being.

You’ll feel empowered to make conscious choices that support your health and happiness, creating a sanctuary that truly reflects who you are and how you want to live.

Join the Waiting List Today!

Ready to take the first step toward creating a home that soothes your soul? Click here to join the waiting list and be notified when the doors open, and avail of the Early Bird discount, saving you 33%!

Don’t miss out on this chance to transform your space and elevate your well-being.

Let’s embark on this journey together and craft a home that not only reflects your style but supports your health and happiness. I can’t wait to see you there!

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