I believe that, regardless of ownership, our homes should be true sanctuaries. Our home needs to be a safe space for us to nurture our wellbeing on all levels.
But for those living with domestic violence, staying home does not equal staying safe. Throughout the lockdown I have been thinking about all the people who are in greater danger, not less, because of these restrictions.
I want to help raise funds for Women’s Aid, who are currently experiencing increased demand for their support services. So I am offering virtual consultations throughout the month of May with all proceeds going to the organisation. Better yet, donate what you can afford – normal rates do not apply.
As an interior designer I can help with advice and suggestions on how to make improvements in your home, before we’re all set loose in the DIY stores on May 18th.
The consultation will be 30 minutes. Use this session for help choosing the right colour(s) for various spaces in your home. Colour hugely impacts mood and ability to be calm and focused, and it is greatly affected by light.
Or we can look at potential solutions to current and future challenges you’re facing, such as work/study from home spaces.
If you’re planning on putting your home on the market after lockdown, we could review what preparations you could be making over the next couple of months to improve saleability.
Or maybe you’d just like some suggestions for uplifting and refreshing your home without breaking the bank.
Whatever you need help with, email me on Hilda@hildacarroll.com and we’ll take it from there. If you don’t want a consultation but you’d like to support this anyway, click here to donate.
Let’s make it easier for everyone forced to #stayhome to be able to #staysafe too. Thank you for your support.
If you’re in need of support:
Women’s Aid Ireland
National Freephone Helpline 1800 341 900
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Men’s Aid Ireland
Confidential Support Line:01-5543811