Interior Design

It’s not all about painting it white. The most common advice when it comes to decorating a small space is to paint it white. And while this has its merits, it won’t always work. White reflects light, and this can help a room to feel more spacious. But if the light coming in is northern (in […]

January 29, 2021
small space tips

The Scandi style has been popular outside of Scandinavia for so long now, it feels like a classic that’s here to stay. And it’s no wonder really, given how well it acts as an antidote to our busy lives. It’s calming colour palettes and minimal décor help us to create serene spaces in which to […]

January 10, 2021

Each year the Pantone Colour Institute announces a colour for the year ahead. And many leading paint manufacturers have taken to announcing their own choice too. Whatever the source, each is presenting to us a colour that they’re predicting home-makers will be embracing. Needless to say, they won’t all be on the same hymn sheet. […]

January 6, 2021

Often lumped into the Social Media category, Pinterest is in fact a search engine. And a powerful one at that. For professional and amateur creatives, Pinterest is the go-to place for inspiration. It beats social media platforms like Instagram hands down, because of its superior searchability. And this amazing search function also allows Pinterest to predict trends. “More than […]

December 14, 2020
home décor trends

If you were to hire an interior designer, the first creative part of their process (having already gathered information and inspiration from you) would be to create a mood board. And if it’s good enough for the pros, it’s good enough for you. A mood board is a visual synopsis of the overall look and […]

October 29, 2020
pro tips moodboard

The red thread (also known as a golden thread) is basically a common thread that you weave throughout your home’s décor. It is the magic trick that can create a sense of cohesion if the colour palette, and even styles, differ somewhat between adjoining spaces. We want to create a harmonious transition from one space […]

September 21, 2020

This is the second in a series of tips on home décor. The crucial guideline in good interior design is this: form follows function. Meaning how well a space functions is the priority, and how it looks comes next. And when it comes to a well-functioning space, room layout is key. In tandem with that, […]

August 31, 2020
room layout

Last week Ireland’s House and Home magazine reported that their May/June issue was the best selling in ten years! Proof, if you needed it, that lockdown has significantly amplified the desire to update and upgrade our home décor. I personally believe that loving our homes is an important self-care practice. That involves caring for it […]

July 29, 2020

Unsurprisingly, lockdown has stimulated our appetites for home improvement. And this is a good thing for our mental and emotional wellbeing, as our home environment has a huge role to play in that. Colour in particular has a significant impact on our moods and on our rooms. For that reason, we need to choose our […]

May 22, 2020
colour consideration Taelynn Christophe Unsplash

I believe that, regardless of ownership, our homes should be true sanctuaries. Our home needs to be a safe space for us to nurture our wellbeing on all levels. But for those living with domestic violence, staying home does not equal staying safe. Throughout the lockdown I have been thinking about all the people who […]

May 6, 2020
interior design advice
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