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Here in the northern hemisphere, autumn is definitely starting to settle in. The days are getting shorter, the leaves are changing colour and a distinct change is taking place in nature’s colour palette. And you may be noticing these external shifts are being mirrored by some internal adjustments – physically, mentally, or emotionally? This seasonal […]

image of a cluttered kitchen, demonstrating effect of clutter on cortisol levels
Featured Post

Modern life is so busy and fast-paced. For most of us, it feels nearly impossible to slow things down and create the sense of calm we may be craving. And the constant busyness can result in a build-up of clutter – mental as much as physical – in our lives and homes. To make matters […]

an image of a little house with a green door and green gate.
Featured Post

Amidst the complexities of life, the idea of home holds a deeper significance than mere bricks and mortar. It represents a sanctuary where our souls find solace, a haven away from life’s storms. In this blog post we will delve into the art of crafting your personal sanctuary right within the walls of your home […]

At the beginning of January, the world is awash with new year intentions and resolutions—and before the month is out, most of them have fallen by the wayside. There are many reasons for this, and often they stem from the place where we set them (e.g. self-loathing instead of self-love). However, one I rarely see discussed—and […]

February 2, 2019
new year intentions

As a long-time renter I notice a significant difference between the quality of long-term and short-term rental properties. Essentially, properties targeted at tourists tend to be better presented and generally more inviting places to spend time in than properties targeted at long-term tenants – especially in locations where rental property is in short supply. And […]

January 30, 2019
quality long term tenant

When selling your home, unless it’s an undeniable fixer-upper, then most people will benefit from making some upgrades to their property before it goes on the market. Even if your home is in good condition, taking some time to invest in small upgrades can reap rewards in terms of a quicker sale and a better […]

January 24, 2019

Decorating a rental property to our own taste does have its challenges, especially if it comes fully or partly furnished. But it is completely possible to do a rental home makeover on a budget, if you get creative with your resources. Most landlords are looking for reliable tenants who will take good care of the […]

December 29, 2018
rental home room makeover

An altar is a sacred place. Sacred in the sense of displaying items that are meaningful and symbolic to us. Not necessarily sacred in a religious sense, although it can be if we so wish. And while most of us probably grew up associating altars with churches, temples, and more religiously-inclined locations, it is becoming […]

September 26, 2018
home altar

The Danish concept of Hygge (pronounced hue-guh) became something of a global phenomenon a couple of years back with the publication of a number of books on the subject. This lead it to become a leading trend in the interiors world for the autumn and winter seasons. And now, as with most trends, interest has moved on […]

September 14, 2018

Meditation is a process of quieting the mind. But—for most people—the mind will not be perfectly still during meditation. In fact—for most people—the mind will be quite active throughout. There will be moments of stillness and those moments are of the utmost importance. During those moments healing takes place—on the physical, mental and emotional levels. […]

July 23, 2018

Although I’m a certified meditation teacher, I grew up a skeptic and I understand where the skeptics are coming from. I respect their wariness of various spiritual practices, especially if it falls into the “new age” category—I once was very wary too. And in fact, I still remain skeptical of certain modalities. I don’t blindly […]

June 12, 2018

As a reformed, natural-born pessimist, I am keenly aware of the power of positive thinking. How we think and how we feel are inextricably linked. For most people—unless dealing with hormonal imbalances in the body, or chemical imbalances in the brain—our thoughts usually determine our feelings. Therefore, to feel good, we must reframe negative thoughts into […]

June 7, 2018
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