Here in the northern hemisphere, autumn is definitely starting to settle in. The days are getting shorter, the leaves are changing colour and a distinct change is taking place in nature’s colour palette. And you may be noticing these external shifts are being mirrored by some internal adjustments – physically, mentally, or emotionally? This seasonal […]
Modern life is so busy and fast-paced. For most of us, it feels nearly impossible to slow things down and create the sense of calm we may be craving. And the constant busyness can result in a build-up of clutter – mental as much as physical – in our lives and homes. To make matters […]
Amidst the complexities of life, the idea of home holds a deeper significance than mere bricks and mortar. It represents a sanctuary where our souls find solace, a haven away from life’s storms. In this blog post we will delve into the art of crafting your personal sanctuary right within the walls of your home […]
Broadly speaking, the Danish concept of Hygge is the creation of a feeling of cosiness and contentment. Typically, it is portrayed on social media through images of candles, blankets, and mugs of hot tea and cocoa. Anything that brings us comfort is hygge-lig. And really, the Danes weren’t the only ones practicing this. What is different in Denmark […]
Decluttering and self-care are two topics close to my heart. I bleat on about both of them on a regular basis. But I tend to really zone in on them during January. Because, as far as I’m concerned, January is a month to hone our self-care practices rather than go too gung-ho on self-improvement. And […]