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Here in the northern hemisphere, autumn is definitely starting to settle in. The days are getting shorter, the leaves are changing colour and a distinct change is taking place in nature’s colour palette. And you may be noticing these external shifts are being mirrored by some internal adjustments – physically, mentally, or emotionally? This seasonal […]

image of a cluttered kitchen, demonstrating effect of clutter on cortisol levels
Featured Post

Modern life is so busy and fast-paced. For most of us, it feels nearly impossible to slow things down and create the sense of calm we may be craving. And the constant busyness can result in a build-up of clutter – mental as much as physical – in our lives and homes. To make matters […]

an image of a little house with a green door and green gate.
Featured Post

Amidst the complexities of life, the idea of home holds a deeper significance than mere bricks and mortar. It represents a sanctuary where our souls find solace, a haven away from life’s storms. In this blog post we will delve into the art of crafting your personal sanctuary right within the walls of your home […]

“If hugs were a colour, they would be pink.” ~ Karen Haller, The Little Book of Colour psychology of pink Culturally, the colour pink has a few established connotations. And maybe it’s time to rethink them. In this blog, I’m going to look at why that might benefit us. Exploring the psychology of pink, let’s […]

July 25, 2023
psychology of pink

Expert Tips for Transforming a Corner of your Home into a Serene Self-Care Space. Self-care has become something of a buzzword in recent years, and social media conjures up images of bubble baths, spa treatments and other kinds of pampering. And a little pampering certainly has its place in a self-care regime. But true self-care […]

May 22, 2023
self care space

One Friday morning a couple of weeks ago, I woke up feeling completely overwhelmed. Between working in my business, working on my business, and participating in various business development training workshops, my to-do list list was exhausting me – mentally as well as physically. Can you relate? Well, in response, I made an executive decision […]

April 7, 2022

Despite its gloominess, I love January. It is a long, slow month. And it’s a time when we naturally feel more inclined to hibernate than get out there and make things happen. Many people resent how it seems to drag out and can’t wait until February arrives and life restarts. What I’ve noticed in recent […]

January 2, 2022

Why it matters and how to do it. Our homes have always been inextricably linked to our wellbeing. And that is especially true in this Covid era. Required to spend almost all our days within our homes, it’s time to start treating them as temples. Maybe this concept is new and seems a bit wacky […]

January 23, 2021

One of the best things you can do for yourself over the month of January is to clean, declutter, organise and Feng Shui your home. Seriously, get your home in order and it will reap benefits in other areas of your life. I know that sounds like a lot of work, but you do have […]

January 4, 2021

Self-care and self-improvement can be easily confused. There’s some cross-over for sure. And yet, there is an important difference between them. Self-care has, at its core, the intention of nurturing our wellbeing so that we can function to the best of our abilities. Self-improvement frequently comes from a place of not feeling good enough. When […]

December 30, 2020

I am usually wary of “life-changing” claims. But when it comes to meditation, I can confidently assert that—given regular practice—five minutes a day can change things. It’s widely accepted now among Western medicine practitioners that meditation isn’t “woo-woo.” It has been shown, over and over, to improve our physical, mental and emotional well-being. But people who […]

May 28, 2018

We’re in that precious space between Christmas and the New Year, where many of us feel drawn to review, reflect and plan.  There’s generally a lot of focus on how we’re going to make our lives better in the the coming year by making ourselves better. I have done this so often myself, but over the last couple […]

December 28, 2017
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