Here in the northern hemisphere, autumn is definitely starting to settle in. The days are getting shorter, the leaves are changing colour and a distinct change is taking place in nature’s colour palette. And you may be noticing these external shifts are being mirrored by some internal adjustments – physically, mentally, or emotionally? This seasonal […]
Modern life is so busy and fast-paced. For most of us, it feels nearly impossible to slow things down and create the sense of calm we may be craving. And the constant busyness can result in a build-up of clutter – mental as much as physical – in our lives and homes. To make matters […]
Amidst the complexities of life, the idea of home holds a deeper significance than mere bricks and mortar. It represents a sanctuary where our souls find solace, a haven away from life’s storms. In this blog post we will delve into the art of crafting your personal sanctuary right within the walls of your home […]
The meaning of ‘Solstice’ is ‘sun standing still’ and honouring the sun twice per year is a pre-Christian custom that was celebrated throughout the American and European continents. In the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice was a time to give thanks for the blessings of the coming fruits of summer. And while today’s technology has […]
In your home, your taste and preferences trump that of all others—including interior designers. However, if you are feeling stuck in any way and genuinely would like some helpful advice, then an interior designer is the person to ask. An interior designer knows a thing, or three, about colour theory, how to create harmony and […]
As an interior designer, I follow—and sometimes salivate over—home décor trends as much as any other interiors enthusiast. And I don’t think trends are a bad thing at all. They help us evolve the looks of our home. And when applied well, they can make an out-of-date space feel more contemporary without the expense of […]
In modern times, May 1st has been officially deemed to be the feast of Bealtaine. However, the precise date falls halfway between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. This year Bealtaine technically falls on May 5th (2023 update: May 6th), so you still have time to mark and celebrate this life-affirming turning point in […]
In astrology, the Spring Equinox is the actual ‘new year,’ which makes complete sense to me. I, for one, always feel much more inclined to shake things up in my life in springtime than in the darkest depths of winter when we’re traditionally encouraged to consider developing new habits. In January, I reflect. In February, […]
Or at least bring you some peace. Resolving conflict is part and parcel of human relationships. And often, it requires us to shift our energy a little. “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” ~ Albert Einstein Regardless of who was right and who wrong — a matter of […]
Many ancient traditions applied sacred space practices to purify the energy of our homes. In the modern western world, though, Feng Shui is possibly the better-known system. And it can be relatively simple to apply — if we don’t get too bogged down in having to do it perfectly. Before getting started, you need to choose whether […]
Misconstrued kindness, not so much. February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day. That’s kind of cool. And also sad. We shouldn’t really need such a day. Being kind should be part of our daily experience. Not just for the benefit of others, but for our own benefit too. “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in […]
The Hallmark holiday that is Valentine’s Day may make ‘Love’ appear to be an exclusive club. With membership reserved for those with a romantic partner. This is precisely why the day can be one of the loneliest days of the year… …for those who are single…for those who are in unfulfilling relationships…for those who are […]
I have developed an interest in astrology in recent years, but I don’t pretend to fully understand its intricate complexities. I have learned, though, to pay attention to the over-arching themes. And I do my best to be mindful of them as I go about my days. Generally, we’re told that the energy around the […]